Sunday, March 23, 2014

Starting Again

I decided just now to start blogging again... just now. I decided to analyze my writing to see what famous writing I am like, from some app on Facebook. Of course I wanted to be sure, so I ran a lot of my writing through and I got a lot of different writers, but almost half of them were Cory Woderow or something like that. The time we find to waste on things these days. How many days have been wasted? Anyhow, it was that silly Facebook game that brought me back here. And I have decided once again to write from the heart and not worry about my ego and my public persona.

I've become tired of my life, so I am working on changing it. Without ruining my daughter's life. It actually a really big feat. Can one person give two people good lives and still be together as much as we want.

Ramona is happy. The trick is that both of us are. I am reaching out for change, grasping for it. I am looking for ways to engage in my career, find somewhere to grow. Ive been applying for jobs, which is just nerve-wracking and depressing... I have been contemplating starting training in a martial art... I went to an Aikido Dojo, but I am still contemplating until I know.

I've done this before. You put in the work, you put out your feelers, and eventually the right path opens up.

I have also invited Ramona's father here. I am not sure I could ever imagine it working out, but if I don't try I will regret it. If I do I might regret it too, but I am getting older, I want a rich life. I want to live big. It is so much better to regret something you've done than to regret something you haven't done. When you regret something you didn't do, it always haunts you. What if? If I regret something I have done, I just think...well at least I tried. And I am willing to put in the work. And I love Ramona's dad. And we want to be together, but we don't have the money. Believe it or not, it is really hard to visit here from anywhere in Latin America if you don't have a lot of money. So we are here, me without him...Ramona without him. Wondering...what if he forgets us. What if the time and the work it takes to be together again is just too much and we drift away before it is ever able to come to pass. I want to be a family unit. I want the father of my child with me. I've been alone so long.


  1. Go for it lady! Better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all. I hope it works out for you and Ramona. I only see that you have been so independent for so long you may have some adjustment to having someone else around. Just don't give up who you are, and I know you won't. Big love. , Col

    1. Yay, thanks for rooting for me, I didn't know anyone read my blog! Hope hope hope to make it up your way in a few months.

      Looking forward to giving this thing with Ramona's dad a chance. If anything we are drifting together, not apart. I've never had a long distance relationship...they are more real than I thought. I am find myself having to ask for forgiveness this morning.
