Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What Does it Do to Us?

What do our experiences do to us? Do they make us forget who we are? What does culture do?  These are the sort of questions I have been contemplating.

I have been seeing a somatic therapist for quite a while now, and every week since early spring. What I find striking about it is that for the very first time in my life I am telling my story which seemed to be completely locked down inside of my body. In the past, I have tried to write my story a couple of times, but it has always come out in disjointed, somewhat incoherent mini-stories with no overarching storyline and has not been shared. But, as I tell my life story to the therapist, piece by piece, the real story, a true story starts to reveal itself. This "true" story, I am not sure it is a story that can be told in words; perhaps this story exists in a world without, or before words. It is like a myth. The myth can be told, but the true meaning has no words.

My experiences I always assumed didn’t matter; of course I grew up under the impression that nothing about me really mattered. And maybe it doesn’t. 

There are also the stories adults told about me that I adopted as my own, like that since I am a Leo I am self –centered and that since no one listened to me, what I have to say must not matter, and since people get mad or jealous when I do something extraordinary, I must stop that.  And then I wonder, how do those experiences I had that I don’t really remember have on me?

When I was less than one, my mother and I were held at knifepoint for over 8 hours, though much of the time it was my mother at knifepoint and me alone on the dark forest floor, crying.  When I was two my mother attempted suicide. As she lay on the floor unconscious she said an angel came and told her she had to live or I had no chance and I needed that chance. Around my fourth birthday my best friend’s father killed his mother and just weeks after sentencing, killed himself.  I was aware of my missing friend and my parents spending time in the courtroom as witnesses. They lost two friends. But I didn’t understand. Not like adults understand. Those were my first four and a half years.

Why would a life begin like this and what does this sort of beginning do? Do the parts of our lives we don't remember matter, do the dreams we don't remember, matter?  And why have I had so much trauma and loss in my life? And why didn't I realize this until recently?  I often think it is simply in my lineage, which is also full of betrayal, death, neglect, secrets, abuse, incest, rape, slaves and slave-owners, ... But I have determined that it stop with me.  I am determined not to pass this dysfunction along. And I see the only way out as personal transformation. And I wonder, what does our lineage do to us? Lineage is another integral piece of a life. How do our ancestors find their way into us? And why?

And then I mourn for our cultures lack of closeness. As I tell my story to this therapist, who is thankfully diligently being paid for by my insurance, but is also a women I know and respect from the community, I wonder why don’t we tell our stories to each other?  I want us to share our lives with each other.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Being and Doing

Our culture is all about doing, accomplishing. Not so much about just being. People who are happy being, are often viewed less intelligent, lazy, lacking initiative, or...spiritual. I've been a little bit obsessed with doing and accomplishing. I never seem to be content unless I am clear about what I am DOING. And what I DO generally needs to be somehow making the world a better place or making art (which is also making the world a better place at the heart of it). But lately I haven't been able to do anything really. Or wanted to. Not doing a lot of parenting or homechooling, or practicing the bass like I am supposed to be, or painting that picture I want to paint, or writing that historical piece I have been thinking about for a year or so. I have 10 unfinished drafts to this blog (I think I will erase them).

I have no drive to do much of anything. Barely keeping the house together. Going to the gym (okay that is something). Thinking about my far-away love and how I will get him here (I guess that is something, too). Learning how real a long distance relationship can be (I am repenting at the moment).  Getting in a little gardening...Seeing my therapist. Looking for work. Oh. Maybe I do do stuff. And all this inner work. Now that is exhausting. And that is where the line between doing and being is washed away. And examined life is a lot of work.

Sheesh, this writing is reminding me of all the stuff I got to do!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Starting Again

I decided just now to start blogging again... just now. I decided to analyze my writing to see what famous writing I am like, from some app on Facebook. Of course I wanted to be sure, so I ran a lot of my writing through and I got a lot of different writers, but almost half of them were Cory Woderow or something like that. The time we find to waste on things these days. How many days have been wasted? Anyhow, it was that silly Facebook game that brought me back here. And I have decided once again to write from the heart and not worry about my ego and my public persona.

I've become tired of my life, so I am working on changing it. Without ruining my daughter's life. It actually a really big feat. Can one person give two people good lives and still be together as much as we want.

Ramona is happy. The trick is that both of us are. I am reaching out for change, grasping for it. I am looking for ways to engage in my career, find somewhere to grow. Ive been applying for jobs, which is just nerve-wracking and depressing... I have been contemplating starting training in a martial art... I went to an Aikido Dojo, but I am still contemplating until I know.

I've done this before. You put in the work, you put out your feelers, and eventually the right path opens up.

I have also invited Ramona's father here. I am not sure I could ever imagine it working out, but if I don't try I will regret it. If I do I might regret it too, but I am getting older, I want a rich life. I want to live big. It is so much better to regret something you've done than to regret something you haven't done. When you regret something you didn't do, it always haunts you. What if? If I regret something I have done, I just think...well at least I tried. And I am willing to put in the work. And I love Ramona's dad. And we want to be together, but we don't have the money. Believe it or not, it is really hard to visit here from anywhere in Latin America if you don't have a lot of money. So we are here, me without him...Ramona without him. Wondering...what if he forgets us. What if the time and the work it takes to be together again is just too much and we drift away before it is ever able to come to pass. I want to be a family unit. I want the father of my child with me. I've been alone so long.