Sunday, June 30, 2013

Showing her around,

When I was a child, I moved a lot. I was also different and not an actor...I had no desire to try to act like the kids around me in order to win friends. I had a sister, but she was super mean so I avoided her. The result was that I spent a lot of time alone for a good chunk of my elementary school life. When we first moved to Boulder, Colorado I remember imaging the kind folks from my past coming to visit me. One of the most common visitors was my half-brother.  I would ride around on my bike talking (to the air next to me where I imagined my brother riding) all about my hood and the things that went on there.

Now that I am a parent, I almost wonder if I subconsciously had a kid just to continue this game of showing around.  My whole approach to parenting seems based on me showing this little human, who I invited to live here on this earth, all around. So she can get her bearings and master the tools she needs to get by in my hood.